I thought I'd better get this annual summary thing out of the way while I still have some vague memory of last year. So, straight to the numbers for 2009…

On the bike

Distance: a smidge over 7300km

That was ju-ust within a top 1000 finish on bikejournal.com (nicked that idea from Surly Dave).

Riding days: 199

Average daily mileage: 20 km (or 36 km if calculated for riding days only)

Consecutive days riding: 147 (116 of those in 2009)

In February, I proudly announced that I'd done 101 days on the bike, having started on 1 November 2008. I quietly neglected to mention that my run ended on 27 April due to illness.

Days commuting by bike: 123

That exceeds the requirements of the Commuter Cycling Century club on bikejournal.com: "each member attempts to ride to and from work on at least 100 days in a 12-month period".

Audax mileage: 2935 km

For the 2008/09 Audax season, I rode 14 brevets including 4 permanents. At one per month, I qualifed for the Year Round Randonneur award and a few other ~~merit badges~~ awards. It's already established that I won't be scoring the YRR in the current season…

On the blog

Posts: 65, including 29 speedlinking posts

Comments: 174, some of which were not made by me

Thanks to everyone who responded and keep it up.

Top referrers of 2009 (other than search engines)

  1. tomw.net.au

  2. cyclelicio.us

  3. melbournecyclist.com

  4. bv.com.au

  5. ncrandonneur.blogspot.com

  6. bikeradar.com

  7. aboutthebike.blogspot.com

  8. 4tfingers.biz

  9. wurple.net

  10. boroondarabug.org

Thanks to all of them and all other referrers.

Most visited pages of 2009

Tweet, tweet

For what it's worth, Treadly and Me tweeted for the first time 12 months ago today. Please try to contain your excitement.



Like the site, I like to ride and your blog helps keep me interested. Thanks.

p.s Would be good if your reference to bikejournal.com was a link.


Good Year by any estimation. Congrats on the Year Round Randonneur especially.