Somewhere you can leave your bike unlocked

La Prueba de la Bicicleta, as recently mentioned in the [little r][].


Taking a velomobile for a test drive. Want. Hmm, maybe a Greenspeed? Their new Glyde velomobile is nearly ready for release.

Latest entry in fugly bike contest

"Oh, ICK!" How about I take 000 and smoke it? [thanks tom]

On air, online

I've just noticed that YarraBUG Radio has a web page now, including summaries of all their shows to date.

Bike library

Bernard Sudlow runs a bike library at The Manchester College:

There's no charge to borrow a bike and no compulsory maintenance training, but we expect borrowers to take a certain level of responsibility. We've had a good response, but there are definitely less bikes in college when it's raining, which it does a lot in Manchester!

Kung Fu Fighting

If BMX Bandits had included fight scenes like this one in [The Lady the Boss][], Nicole Kidman wouldn't be embarassed to have it on her CV. [thanks tom]

Swanston St, status quo

A series of photos by Rob shows that nothing's changed on Swanston St, as if Carolyn Rawlins hadn't died… Why am I not surprised?

All it took was a global meltdown

Buried in the Bailout: The Bicycle Commuter Act. Woo, deduct 0 per employee. Easy there—don't let that new found wealth go to your head!