Melbourne Cycle Chic

It might be winter, but photographer Nicole Reed still found well-dressed riders on the streets of Melbourne.

Velo Chic [via Melbourne Cyclist and Sydney Bodyart Ride]

More on cycling with style

Style-wise, I think there's also something (but I'm not quite sure what) to be learned from cycling in skirts:

To get the most out of cycling in skirts you must cycle with a sense of whimsy. Cycling is an activity in and of itself, regardless of where you end up, or whether you break a sweat. Is your bike red? Does it have fenders? A wicker basket? A wide, commodious saddle? Then read on.

Bike porn

And while we're on the topic of porn [hmm, very dubious segue there], apparently there is a rising number of bikes in porn:

Increasing numbers of bicycle related porn films are being spotted on adult websites. You read it here first [but you probably noticed yourself, didn't you?]

Umm, no. But whatever floats your boat.

Of course, nude chicks on bikes is nothing really new, but seriously, I take the point. Like it or not, as Zakkaliciousness points out, porn films do tend to reflect contemporary trends (and in some cases, set trends). So if there's more bikes in porn, then cycling must be going mainstream.

If you can fuck on a bicycle, you can certainly pop down to the supermarket on it, or ride to work.


[Hold the phone—can you really fuck on a bike?!? Whoa!]

Bike lust

Cruiser-style tandem xtracycle—droool… Want one!

Your bike is too ugly…

so Security has taken it away. [via team estrogen]

And then he's row, row, row

I still want to see one of these go up Mt Buffalo in January: recumbent rowing bike. Any takers? Auction closes 27 August—bid early, bid often.

But why?

OK, so some dude has broken the record for underwater cycling, but I'm left asking why?

Mr Innocente, who undertakes these record attempts for charity, says he is on a mission to prove that mountain bikes can be ridden anywhere.

OK, that answers that question.

Escape machine

When we talk about "escaping" on a bike, it's often in the sense of a lifestyle "escape" but what if it was a real life/survival escape?

Here is what I have learned: when all hell is breaking loose, a car isn't going to do you any good. During evaculations, the roads are packed and moving 15 miles an hour. Cars run out of gas. Cars break down. Tempers flare. The roads move slowly.

Fortunately I live in an area where I don't have to think about that sort of thing too much, but it really makes sense. [via Bike Commuters]

Bangalore bike commuters

An article in The Times of India on bike commuters in Bangalore:

At a time when Bangalore's roads are choking with traffic, the city is seeing a trickle of conscientious citizens who're opting for snazzy cycles over plush sedans to do their bit for the environment and their health.


Food is fuel

It doesn't matter whether you're a "sporting" cyclist like I'm not or a commuter or a bike path trundler, if you are your own motor then you need to pay attention to your fuel: food.

An unexpected benefit of compulsory helmet laws

One unexpected advantage of having compulsory helmet laws in this country is that we don't have to keep revisiting the debate about whether or not we should have compulsory helmet laws.

[Photo credit: junk by chefranden on Flickr]


Palm Beach Bike Tours

If you're looking for bike porn, check out the Bike Pimp...

The site is a little dated but he is also keeping the pimpin' alive on his new blog...

(Thanks for noticing our little web site with the escape link above.)

--Matt / Palm Beach Bike Tours