Bikes are wonderful machines—simple enough for anyone to understand, complex enough that everyone has an idea on [how to design a better e][].

Take this video for example. 17bicycle has designed their S17 semi-recumbent to eliminate the need to hold an umbrella while riding—so they design a bike they can put a roof on. Brilliant!

And then there's this thing, which tom reckons is a pretty cool design. (Not so sure myself—it's not immediately clear to me what design problem it solves.) But then, why stop at one? Here are [33 excellent designs][] and another [Six Crazy Concept Bikes You'll Never e][] [via Sydney Cyclist]

And that's a terrific thing about bikes, isn't it? No one owns the design. It's not "finished". And the door is wide open to every designer, inventor and tinkerer to walk through with their bold new idea or incremental innovation.

And I, for one, reckon that's pretty cool.