Couldn't do it again if he tried

'Funniest Home Videos' stuff (cue the silly voice-over) via [The t][]…

Bin the Bike Ban

The Ban against taking bikes onto Victorian trains is [descending into e][] and confusion.

Meanwhile Bin the Bike Ban has kicked off.

Biking the train

On the other hand, Canada's train service is [expanding bike-related s][] on the Bike Train service from Toronto to Niagara. OK, that's hardly commuter hour but it's a brilliant idea.

Rail trails

And then The Age gives an overview of some Victorian rail trails. By their nature these rail trails can be reached by continuing rail services. Hmm, I wonder if we'll ever see a Bike Train service to Wangaratta or Bairnsdale or…?

Utility cycling

Sydney Body Art Ride spotted some bike-riding ambulance officers in Hyde Park. Just as long as they've got enough breath left to do CPR!


Here's something I won't be doing in any kind of hurry: the [Alpine Challenge][] (even if it could win me a trip to France...)

A bike license plate we'd like to see

Share the Road number plates, Oregon-style. [via BTA Blog]

Ride on the road

Roads are scary for bikes; sidewalks are scarier—key message: drivers aren't looking out for cyclists on the footpath. [via Commute By Bike]

Bike Blog .au

I just compared my feed reader with my blogroll here and found that the blogroll was missing a few sites, so here are the links I added this week in an update:



Thanks for the link =)


Thanks for the link too :-)

Subscribed to Treadly and Me months ago, love you work. Must say it was part of the inspiration for me to resurrect my blogging efforts.