I'm really not sure about the idea of Fisher-Price's Smart Cycle Physical Learning Arcade System—that's an exercise bike connected to a video console to you and me.

We know that some kids (including some rather mature 'kids') can sit there forever happily twiddling a joystick. I suppose some would have us believe that the computer game is solely responsible for our current generation of sedentary, obese little fatty-boobahs. So making them pedal for their fun is an interesting idea and one with some merit.

But I'd be far happier to see kids outside really riding bikes. Or kicking a ball. Or chasing each other. Or climbing trees. Or throwing stones. You know, having a childhood.

And I notice that it is still possible for them to straddle the Smart Cycle and…sit there forever happily twiddling a joystick. Hmm, I wonder what games the little pork sausages will opt for in the long term?

Something that bugs me about this 'system' is that it could possibly make a kid quite a physically strong rider without helping them develop any corresponding street smarts. We don't tend to give kids enough credit—I reckon they're pretty good at telling reality and TV/video games apart, but for the reality of riding—even on off-road trails—split-second timing and a full awareness of one's surroundings is critical. It's not a video game, and you don't get three lives. And this exercise bike is not going to help kids develop those skills. But in fairness, it's clearly not intended to be a cycling trainer.

While I'm on a roll, surely some parents could do with a bit more exercise too. Why not spend the same amount of money getting a hitch bike and hitting the trails together?

But it could be worse, I suppose—at least it's not a kiddie treadmill:

Now there's an idea that truly sucks.

So, with Chri$tma$ just around the corner, will you be slapping down the dough to get a Smart Cycle for a child that you love?


Fisher Price Smart Cycle

Great post!

The focus of the smart cycle is for those times when kids can't play outside - whether it be because of the weather or some other reason, and I think it's a great idea as my kids seem to love it :)

For those of you who are interested, the fisher price smart cycle is available in the UK from http://www.fisherpricesmartcycle.co.uk


randy ross

HAHA that thing is awsome. I should buy one for my son