A great video from bicycle forest: "Tips for cyclists from a car driver".

Now, the first thing a cyclist has to do is put themselves in the shoes of a car driver. Car drivers are very busy people, generally more busy than a cyclist, and we have a lot of responsibilities. My life, for example, is so hectic I don't even have time to make myself lunch in the morning, let alone go for joy rides during rush hour.

There are some really good lines and a couple of laugh out loud moments. And is there something inherently funny about a driver hurling abuse at cyclists from the window of a pimped-out Rhoades Car?

You know what kind of bike I really hate? Those "lie-down" bikes. You know, those ones that the guys with the funny looking beards are always driving.


Oh my gosh, are you OK?
Recumbent guy:
But I don't have a beard.

And it's nice to see the Meat Thrower gets a mention in the credits too—Meat Throwers just don't get the recognition they deserve.

[via tribe.net]


Surly Dave

I love it! Very funny. Is it just me, or were the sound effects a bit nerve-wracking. They sounded a bit much like real accidents to me! Maybe I'm just jumpy.

Treadly and Me

Yeah, the sound of the guy getting doored was pretty gruesome. I'm sure you can hear skin coming off—but let's just trust that it's good fx…