"Google Maps street maps for Australia and New Zealand! : woowoowoo"

Woohoo! I reckon I heard about this a few days ago on aus.bicycle but (fool that I am) I didn't look into it. Anyway pedaller insisted that I have a look. And wow - Bikely is a new service that uses Google Maps to chart real cycling routes in Australia:

Screen cap image from bikely

You can have an overview of each route then step through each key point complete with notes from riders. It also measures the route. And the site has a short catchy name and a not too bad logo.

How cool is that?

(Hey woowoowoo - this is right up your alley!)



that is so cool! I have made my map already!


Keep spreading the word Treadly. I think bikely could become the single greatest resource available to cyclists online in time. I hope the creator starts to organise the route information a bit though, like organising the rides by state, otherwise its going to be hard to find a route that you want.