I was running a bit late this morning, so I was tossing up whether I should ride or cave-in and jump on a train. The sun was out and it looked gorgeous outside so it wasn't a tough decision to hang the consequence and ride. I wouldn't have arrived much earlier on foot and public transport anyway.

I HATE the wind!

I think I've said it before - of all the weather conditions I hate wind the most of all. It makes bad conditions miserable and turns a bright sunny day like today into drudgery. A check of various weather stations around the place showed that I was up against winds of between 10 and 20 km/h, with gusts well above that. That's really not a fun time.

Measuring up

But it's all relative - I'd still prefer to be on the bike than any other means of transport. And my slow departure this morning allowed me to witness something positive down on the Yarra Trail: two rangers and a bloke in a tie running out a tape measure on the Church St. Bridge ramp. Could I have seen the chosen constractor taking measurements for his final quote on the resurfacing job? I hope he gets on with it soon.

At any rate it looks like signs of progress. So I made sure I gave them a cheery "Good morning" as I trundled through.