Image of the cartbike Don't leave this in the Woolworths car park

After my earlier look at cargo-carrying tricycles, while rifling Blue Collar Mountain Bike I stumbled onto an entry about how to build a cartbike, with a link to the dudes who welded a shopping trolley onto a bike.

These guys are nuts, but I guess that counts as another "trike with front carrier"!

On the side

Image of the Chariot Sidecar Chariot: nicely done!

On a related matter, Blue Collar also triggered me to sidecar possibilities. And we're not talking about the fancy-shmancy Chariot Sidecar here (nice though that is!).

Oh no, we're talking DIY sidecar - the fixed gear, offroad, made-from-an-old-bed sidecar that a bloke called Jezz and his buddies built.

Serious maniac territory here - I love it!

Image of the Jezz's sidecar