Entries tagged "infrastructure"

Bike Shorts 2 January 2012

02 January 2012

"I personally have found that it changes things: I now readily go places I didn't. Cars are expensive to park; subways take too long. The bike is quick and easy." --Tom Keane, The Boston Globe

Bike Shorts 27 September 2010

27 September 2010

"...most of our cycling just isn't all that exciting. It's generally very pleasant but not worth reporting on frequently. Its the everyday stuff we do all the time, ride to school, ride home, ride to swimming, ride to the shops, ride to friend's houses... you get the picture." --faithh

Behave, or you won't get that bike lane!

27 October 2008

When good opinion pieces go bad: Graham Cornes starts out well making his case for better bike lanes in Adelaide, but then he heads off into illogical and dangerous territory...

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