Entries tagged "bike lane"

Bike Shorts 29 November 2010

29 November 2010

"Cycling, like swimming, is a lifeskill that really ought to be taught early. But this can't be forced. If the parents don't cycle, they might not see cycling as a lifeskill at all"--Carlton Reid

Bike Shorts 19 April 2010

19 April 2010

"There is overwhelming evidence when children walk or cycle to school they are better off physically and in terms of their social and emotional wellbeing" --Todd Harper, VicHealth.

Bike Shorts 5 February 2010

05 February 2010

"It's just as fun as when you were a kid. You go zoom! and whoosh! You're a sky creature, not a miserable earth-crawler. And you get to the end of your commute feeling invigorated and intensely alive." --Dale Favier

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