Great Ocean Road Classic on Vimeo

Instant legend

Susie Weber rode her bike to hospital to deliver her baby. Total legend status, right there. [via JSOnline]

Not being part of the problem

How not to buy stolen bikes online: "There is no such thing as a free lunch or a cheap, expensive bike. If it looks dodgy, it is."

Cycle chic


DIY, Mexico-style

Guerilla DIY bike lane created by Guadalajara citizens!

Bottle hygiene

Air time

Giants Of Dirt Part 2 featuring one serious nutjob on a BMX. Love it. [twitterer]

Gravel Grinders

Melbourne Gravel Grinders first ride is on next weekend at Hurstbridge.

The last word on lightweight mudguards

Birds of a feather fender together

Wax it up and ride

Chain Waxing Revisited, "for the non-believers in the crowd".

Red light runners?

An article in Accident Analysis & Prevention found that "The majority of Melbourne commuter cyclists observed (93.1%) stopped at the red light." [twitterer]


  • Cycling Gypsies: "In July 2008 we quit our jobs, sold whatever couldn't fit on the back of our bikes and pedaled into the sunset with our two doggy co-pilots."
  • "While Out Riding is a photo-story blog charting a bike journey south from Prudoe Bay, Alaska, along quiet dirt roads where possible. At the moment I'm not completely sure where I'll end up…"

Real leadership required

This "war on cars" thingy

Commuting and cyclocross

Have you ever considered a cyclocross bike for commuting?

Cyclocross racing and commuting have a few things in common. Both are for the hardy, attracting cyclists who don't mind riding in foul weather, over imperfect terrain or in adverse conditions.



Smart use of technology

Why cyclists should use GPS

No excuse

The No Excuse Zone Map "shows the distance a healthy person can cycle within half an hour, to or from Melbourne's city centre".

Boris Bike hot spots

Boris Bikes/Barclays Cycle Hire Average Journey Times