I just got a shout from the Clogwog suggesting that I might like the Thunder Horn, which produces a 115dB blast from the power of a standard 9v battery.

Yeah, not bad. Although comments by Joel Waxman suggest that the remote button might be a bit prone to failure, but it's not like that's not fixable. (In fact, I reckon I'd probably replace the cord with a longer one so that I could position the sound unit a bit further my head.)

But when it comes to scaring the living shirt out of people, I reckon I'd go for the Airzond: no batteries, just pump the thing up and it also produces a deafness-inducing 115dB (we're talking somewhere between Power saw and Pneumatic riveter at 4' here).

Of the Airzound and the like, Karl Auer says:

It's important to note that these loud devices are useful only in traffic, to gain the attention of other (usually motorised) road users. Pedestrians do not associate the sound of an air horn or a bulb horn with a bicycle - they associate it with cars, trucks and motorbikes. It might be a puny sound, but at least a bell says "bike!". So an air horn is pretty useless on pedestrians except for shock value in a total balls-out emergency. Besides which, they aren't even a bit friendly. I guess we really need a device that goes "ting" at 115dB :-)

Others have noted that the Airzound could benefit from a remote switch, and let's not forget that in a real life-or-death emergency, you rarely have time to reach for a warning device—you're too busy just trying to avoid trouble.

Interestingly, Joel says of the Thunder Horn and the similar MegaHorn:

They both do the job, but lately people don't listen to either.

I guess that gets back to Karl's point: you've really got to choose your shock value moments, otherwise it's probably better to stick to your bell and/or your voice.

But if it's important to you the Airzound even works on bears. Kind of nice to know.

I might put one of those on the wishlist for my next birthday. And if I get one, just watch out all you marauding koalas…



LOL!!! This is just what I need! I bought a little blue air horn type thing at the LBS, partially as a joke for Critical Mass... but after nearly running over a few pedestrians who walk in the middle of bike paths, ignore your oncoming screams and then jump right in front of the bike when they do turn around, yeah, a loud horn might be just the ticket!

Thanks Treadly, you're so helpful :D

Treadly and Me

Weeeell, I'll stick with using a bicycle bell on the pathways—to paraphrase Karl Auer again, nothing says "bike!" like a bell. I use a bell on shared paths with pretty good effect.


I Air Zounded a goose near the Maribyrnong last night ... I honked the honker.

Treadly and Me