As if we needed any further evidence that Sam Newman is a solid-gold fsckwit, did you hear what he said on the Footy Show last Thursday? No, neither did I. I've got better things to do with my life that watch that bunch of derros. But Wheels of Justice has a recording, in which this alleged sporting hero said of road cyclists:

If I had an older model car I'd just keep driving in the [cycling] lane

Followed by much laughter from the decidedly low-brow studio audience and his co-hosts. Oh, hilarity.

To his credit, Gary Lyon tried to keep things moving but Newman just had to spell it out:

Get an old sort of Valiant with a bullbar and just drive straight over the top

It's supposed to be funny. It's not.

Isn't this the man who was famously run-over by his then-pregnant girlfriend? I wonder if he'd have thought it so funny if she'd driven straight over the top in an old Valiant, complete with bullbar?