Entries tagged "history"

Bike Shorts 21 July 2009

21 July 2009

"Cycling which was yesterday the fad of the few is to-day the pastime of the many; it has brought wealth to the wayside town and village, has given a new industry to the country, and by taking the place of more expensive forms of locomotion has facilitated in various ways the carrying on of trade." --The Lancet, July 11, 1896.

Bike Shorts 8 April 2009

08 April 2009

"The experience was pretty revealing - it opened my eyes to the challenges that cyclists face, which are clearly significant...I wouldn't single out any particular group of motorists, but I saw behaviour ranging from the very courteous to that which was frightening." --Ian Craig, Managing Director of Lothian Buses.

Future of the Automobile (1953)

25 August 2006

In 1953 Arthur Brisbane, of the New York Evening Journal, said of the car: "Soon Its Position Will Be Reversed and it Will be the Conveyance of the Laborer", just like the bicycle was before it.

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