Nine bike lighting mistakes

10 April 2015

I have no data on this but also pretty much no doubt that the week after daylight saving ends is a good week for bike light sales.

What is this high visibility madness?

21 October 2014

Where does it come from, this ridiculous push to put kids in high visibility clothing? The minuscule risk that might be eliminated by the wearing of hi viz is completely washed away by the health risks associated with discouraging active transport.

Tour de Breakfast 2013

16 October 2013

For the longest time I tended to greet Ride2Work day with a yawn and shrug: it's really not much of a big deal when every day is ride to work day. But then I heard about the Tour de Breakfast, where the idea is to hit as many community breakfasts as you can between opening and closing—and try not to be late for work in the process. Suddenly Ride2Work day got interesting.

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