Entries tagged "folding bike"

Bike Shorts 7 March 2012

07 March 2012

"I will try to show my fellow traveler, be they on the road or on this journey that is this life; respect and common courtesy. Even though it is entirely possible they will not show me the same." --Dave Moulton

Bike Shorts 8 October 2010

08 October 2010

"The people I used to cycle with have all passed away, and I go too slow for the younger guys." --Jack Thacker, 97 years old this month and still riding...

Bike Shorts 19 April 2010

19 April 2010

"There is overwhelming evidence when children walk or cycle to school they are better off physically and in terms of their social and emotional wellbeing" --Todd Harper, VicHealth.

Bike Shorts 21 July 2009

21 July 2009

"Cycling which was yesterday the fad of the few is to-day the pastime of the many; it has brought wealth to the wayside town and village, has given a new industry to the country, and by taking the place of more expensive forms of locomotion has facilitated in various ways the carrying on of trade." --The Lancet, July 11, 1896.

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