Kooky fringe activity

Fritz asks ["Are the interests of cyclists served by portraying us as ?"][]:

I got a note over the weekend from Canadian journalist Lesley Simpson, who wants "eccentric characters about the global commuting movement among cyclists for a CBC TV documentary."

Your right to ride on the road

Yes, cyclists are legal road vehicles and have the right to fully occupy a traffic lane. Sadly, riders don't always get to exercise that right—[here's some graphic video evidence][].

Shallow end

Clearly [Genine Compton][] is from the shallow end of the gene pool. She reckons it's OK to breastfeed her young child while driving:

Police say Comptom could have injured her child and others because she was breast feeding and talking on the cell phone while driving the vehicle.


In her defence, Compton says "If my child's hungry, I'm going to feed it." Here's the tip genius: pull over first. Dickhead.

In reality, this is not much worse than other types of cockpit distraction that people engage in while driving—all distracted drivers have the potential to maim and kill other road users. I suppose what's worse about this is that Compton clearly has no idea what would happen to her child when subjected to the compressive force of her body decelerating into an expanding air bag.

[via [jezebel][] and [how we drive][]]

Sustainability test

I just liked this [tweet][]:

Here's a maxim for sustainable transport: if you can't drink or eat whatever fuels your vehicle, it isn't sustainable.

Cycle all the way?

[NZ Government floats idea of 0 million national cycleway][]


[What did the scout say after fixing the little old lady's bicycle ?][]


[You Know You're a Cyclist if…][]—yep, it's another "list" post, but there are a few laugh-aloud items there, and most importantly:

You learned a long time ago that it doesn't matter how light or fast, just get on that bike.


Even Levi has mudguards

[A fendered bike is a happy bike][]—and it doesn't (necessarily) make you a dork.

Ride, Melbourne, Ride

Some dates to mark down:

  • [Trackolympics Alleycat - Melbourne, 20th March 2009][]. Hmm, what am I doing on the 20th?
  • [Marysville - Lake Mountain Fire Relief Ride][], Saturday 2nd May, 2009. ### Contributory negligence {\#contributory-negligence} According to [bike radar][], it appears that any cyclist in the UK who is injured on the road while not wearing a helmet could be "found partly liable if wearing a helmet would have prevented or reduced his or her injuries"—despite cycle helmets not being compulsory there. [via [Adrian Fitch][]] ### Harsh reality {\#harsh-reality} [Are cyclists a bigger threat to pedestrians than motor vehicles?][] Answer: No. And who the hell thought cyclists were the bigger threat anyway? ### Utility cycles in business {\#utility-cycles-in-business} [Pedaling to Profit: The Upswing of Bike Powered Business][] [[twitterer][1]] ### What was I thinking? {\#what-was-i-thinking} I barely recognise myself in this post from March 2006: [Sydney vs : Commuting][]—I'm so damned **nice** about everything. (What happened to me? I certainly haven't got any time for that "new golf" crap now.) So, which is better for bicycle commuting, Sydney or Melbourne? ["Are the interests of cyclists served by portraying us as eccentrics?"]: http://commutebybike.com/2009/02/23/kooks-freaks-and-weirdos-on-the-bike/ "kooks, freaks and weirdos on the bike : Commute by Bike" [here's some graphic video evidence]: http://cyclingybr.blogspot.com/2009/03/cycling-and-law.html "Cycling and the law : Yellow Brick Road" [Genine Compton]: http://www.whiotv.com/news/18813161/detail.html "Dayton Mother Caught Breast Feeding and Driving : whoitv.com" [jezebel]: http://jezebel.com/5162102/multitasking-mother-pulled-over-for-breastfeeding-while-driving [how we drive]: http://www.howwedrive.com/2009/03/02/i-guess-this-means-the-baby-wasnt-in-a-rear-facing-car-seat/ [tweet]: https://twitter.com/bicyclism/status/1272678038 [NZ Government floats idea of 0 million national cycleway]: http://can.org.nz/article/government-floats-idea-of-50-million-national-cycleway "Government floats idea of 0 million national cycleway : CAN" [What did the scout say after fixing the little old lady's bicycle horn?]: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080220164515AAPlKWF [You Know You're a Cyclist if…]: http://blog.orbike.com/archives/2008/12/you-know-youre-a-cyclist-if.php "You Know You're a Cyclist if... : ORbike" [twitterer]: https://twitter.com/carltonreid/statuses/1268640807 [A fendered bike is a happy bike]: http://commutebybike.com/2009/03/02/a-fendered-bike-is-a-happy-bike/ "A fendered bike is a happy bike : Commute by Bike" [Trackolympics Alleycat - Melbourne, 20th March 2009]: http://www.fixed.org.au/2009/02/26/trackolympics-alleycat-melbourne-20th-march-2009/ "Trackolympics Alleycat - Melbourne, 20th March 2009 : Fixed.org.au" [Marysville - Lake Mountain Fire Relief Ride]: http://www.cyclosportifvic.com.au/?page=32143 "

Marysville - Lake Mountain Fire Relief Ride, Saturday 2nd May, 2009 : Cyclosportif Victoria"