I love how he takes a drink before he starts. Nice touch.

Hmmm, I reckon I know why that bike lane is there: every metre of bike lane counts when the city council wants to include in its annual report a statement like: "We installed x kilometres of bike lanes this year." It doesn't matter whether the lanes are useful—or even usable—it's all about how much paint was slapped down—really pumps up their 'green' credentials.

There are definitely stupider bike lanes than that one out there. Andy Bowers must be deliberately trying to provoke a reaction—and he's taking nominations

[Thanks Peter]



The worst part of the lane is the thing he doesn't address: while he's extolling the virtues and "safety" of his bike lane, he completely doesn't recognize that he's riding smack in the door zone!

Treadly and Me

Yes, that hadn't escaped me either. I kept leaning away to the left as I was watching it.

Chris L
Hmmm, I reckon I know why that bike lane is there: every metre of bike lane counts when the city council wants to include in its annual report a statement like: "We installed x kilometres of bike lanes this year." It doesn't matter whether the lanes are useful—or even usable—it's all about how much paint was slapped down—really pumps up their 'green' credentials.

That reasoning is spot on. What saddens me is the number of cycling "advocates" who buy it, or indeed, promote it.

Treadly and Me

I have these rare moments of perspicacity. In the meantime, I remain bike lane agnostic.


I think Glen Eira council sees "bike path on road = don't have to maintain that bit of road", but that might just be Neerim Rd.

Treadly and Me

Not just Neerim Rd and not just Glen Eira, methinks…


We've got plenty of stupid bike lanes in Sydney. I'm not sure what a 'bike lane agnostic' is but I've slowly moved to accepting them at some level.

I found this paper a very enlightening discussion of the issue.