Strong Bad's lastest advice

How to avoid bike thieves [via Bike Commuting in Columbus]:


  • Speaking of videos, how long has Bicycle Victoria had these training videos? And how come I didn't know about them before? Hmmm?

  • Edward Tufte fans will love these "bump charts" for this year's Tour de France, originally from kdublog. Both nerdy and cool. W00t!

Feel good

I cycled from home in North Shore. I dreamed if there were more bicycles there would be fewer cars and trucks. So roads would be designed for bicycles.

Flannelette shirt

OK, put on your flannelette shirt and overalls—it's DIY time:

Recycle bin

  • Recycled from a previous speedlink entry: now has joined in to have a dig at US Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, who reckons bikes aren't transport [via BAC Bikes].


And another Australian bike blog found:

  • SpoonBoy, enduro mountain biker—those guys are nuts…



To whomever my anonymous sponsor might be: many thanks for your support!