Gardiners Creek commuters, especially those riding at dawn and dusk, are advised to beware of bounding marsupials. We regret to advise that they are unlikely to be discouraged by attaching cable ties to your helmet…



What the hell... I'm assuming someone's moved the sign... :)

Tweed Treadly

This pic has prompted my first comment on your site, when I usually just lurk and read your posts.

I worry about scaled slithering creatures rather than the cute furry ones on my spring rides. You come upon them quickly on the quieter coastal roads.



roos react well to sounds, maybe a few flapping spoke cards or a small high frequency sender up front ... can't imagine a roo bar on the front of the bike, but a recumbent with a chainwheel out front would cut a swathe!!

Adrian Fitch

Wow. You'll be surprised to know that we don't have any of those signs in London. We have 'Caution: Water on road during rain' but nothing about kangaroos.


I've encountered bears, bison and bobcats, but kangaroos aren't something we have to deal with in the northern hemisphere ;-)


Geesh.. shows how long since I last used that commuting route...