Inattentive sleepy driver, no seatbelt, one hand on the wheel…how more dangerous can you get? And more to the point, how many people could this idiot have taken out?

It's by no means a new video, but plenty of commenters at Google Video [dead link] reckon it's a fake. It's probably not – it looks like it's from a company called DriveCam who provide an incident monitoring system (similar to the setup used in the 100 Cars Study, I suppose).

So there's nothing "suspicious" about there being a camera in the car.

Someone get this man a pillow

And there's nothing "wrong" with him ending up in the back seat – anyone who complains about that has absolutely no idea of the forces at play in a car crash.

Physics: a practical class

Oh yeah, and it sounds like he survived it – you can just hear him say "shit" right at the end.

Shit is right, mate – just like your driving skills. Dickhead.

The really scary thing is he's not the only one who drives like the